You May Be Stuck But You Don’t Have To Stay There
I was stuck. The horror of it hit me while I stood in the dressing room of a very overheated Marshall’s. I knew the pants I had picked out wouldn’t fit, even before I tried them on. Yet, I still insisted, to myself, that trying them on to gauge how much weight I needed to lose would be a great idea. Am I the only one who makes poor choices when left to my own devices in the middle of a clothing store?
That poor choice left me squeezed into pants two sizes too small. As I stood there like a can of Pillsbury dough ready to pop, my mind raced with unpleasant options. I could rip the pants to get them off, stay in the dressing room until I lost enough weight for them to slip off, or go ask for help. None of these options were appealing.
God help me, am I having a panic attack? It was getting hotter by the second, and my claustrophobia was about to take center stage.
"Breathe," I told myself. "You got the pants on; surely, you can get them off. Just breathe." Red-faced, sweaty, and humiliated, I leaned my head against the wall, wondering if I was going to burst out laughing or cry. Just breathe. Then, slowly, I began to peel the pants off. An eternity later, with my dignity and the pants on the floor, I could only shake my head at my crazy shenanigans. What had I been thinking? How had I allowed myself to get stuck?
I know what you’re thinking: "Great story, but what does it have to do with me, my life, and feeling stuck?"
While it may not be as comical as having a panic attack in a dressing room while wearing pants two sizes too small, the reality is we all go through times and seasons when we feel stuck. That feeling can creep up on us slowly over time, like ivy climbing a wall, leisurely wrapping around us until we can’t move. Or it can hit all at once, like a wild wave at the ocean, knocking us over and leaving us tumbling in the sea. Suddenly, we feel stuck.
My husband and I have a mantra: "There must be more than this." We often say it when life feels stagnant, when we’re stuck in the daily grind, or when life seems exceptionally hard. I often feel like clothes in a washer—going round and round but not really getting anywhere. It's wash, rinse, repeat, day in and day out, and somewhere along the way, life passes you by, but you aren’t really living; you’re caught in a perpetual cycle that doesn’t fulfill that desire for more.
Feeling restrained by daily demands and obligations or a lack of resources can leave us feeling strangled by our own lives. We often feel like we don’t have the space or time to dream, grow, or imagine that there is something different.
The good news is you can get unstuck.
The better news is that if you feel stuck, you’re already recognizing that something needs to shift in your life. That's a great first step.
The truth is, we can’t change what we won’t address. If you feel stuck, you have to commit to making changes. These don’t have to be drastic changes—I’m not telling you to show up at work tomorrow and give your two-week notice. What I am saying is that you need to take stock of your life. In what areas are you feeling fulfilled and thriving, and in what areas are you feeling stifled and confined? Those are the areas that need to be addressed.
Now that you are taking a look at your life, don’t let panic set in as you examine why you feel stuck. Lean against the wall and just breathe. Like slowly taking off pants that are too small, you can begin to make changes that will eventually get the wheels of life turning again.
Let's start getting those wheels moving by taking some practical steps forward.
First, envision and identify your goals and passions. Then examine where you are now and what your daily routine looks like. Is this routine supporting your vision or hindering it? If your daily routine is hindering you from achieving your goal, what habits and routines can you alter to realign yourself with your objectives?
Perhaps you need to start writing again, even if it’s just for five minutes a day. Maybe you need to go out with a friend and start talking and dreaming. It might be that you need to turn off the TV and start studying and researching that startup you’ve been dreaming about. Or perhaps you need to take your spouse on that long-promised date you keep putting off.
The truth is, we didn’t get stuck overnight, so we won’t get unstuck overnight. However, making a plan of action and creating a clear picture of what our lives could be like if we dare to reach for something more can often be the catalyst to get the wheels moving again.
As we wrap this up, the truth is that when we feel stuck, we often feel alone. Like me in the dressing room, we fear the humiliation and embarrassment of sharing with others that we feel stuck. The reality is that we all need a little help from time to time—someone to help us gain a clear perspective, to help us dream or hope again. Sometimes, that can be a long talk with a confidant. Other times, it may benefit us to seek the help of a counselor or life coach who can help you define your goals, gain clarity, build confidence, and start living your best life.
Feeling stuck and unsure where to start? You don’t have to figure it all out on your own. Take the first step toward living the life you’ve been dreaming about. Schedule a free consultation with Kelly Rodriguez today, and let’s work together to get you moving forward with confidence and clarity. Book your session now and start your journey toward a more fulfilled and purposeful life.
Post written by: Kelly Rodriguez, Wellspring Life Coach